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Juan is a larger than life Colombian with a huge heart and endless amount of energy. He uses this energy wisely to do his favourite thing - exploring mother nature. On any given day you can find him riding down new trails or rafting down rivers with his friends, clients and sometimes even his dog!

“I feel the vibes for mother nature and I like to be in contact with them” - Juan Acero

Juan found his true calling as an adventure tour guide back in 1996 when Rios Tropicales, a Costarican rafting company, came to his hometown of San Gil, Colombia, and offered training to become a rafting guide. Juan seized this opportunity and from then on pursued his dream to raft around the world.  For the next 25 years, Juan went on to guide rafting and multi-day expeditions in Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, USA, and Canada.  In 2007, he decided to move to British Columbia, Canada, to further his rafting skills and career. In the summers you can find him guiding rafting tours in Golden, BC. In the winters you’ll find him running fire safety programs in South America, ensuring proper water safety in the film industry and running adventure expeditions abroad. A man of adventure, Juan makes the best out of all seasons of the year!

One of Juan’s fondest memories was a week-long expedition in Patagonia, Chile. The adventure took place in the beautiful area of Futaleufú. It involved hiking, rafting, horseback riding, ziplining, and more. The adventure part was amazing but what really made it memorable was the culture, traditions and the people he met during the expedition. 

This is the trip that inspired Colo Adventures!  Juan is showcasing everything Colombia has to offer so his friends and clients can see the true beauty, culture, and adventure that awaits them in his home province of Guanentá. With his experience in tourism and deep love for his Colombian culture, Juan has put together the trip of a lifetime and he wants you to come along!

Click here to learn more about the Colo Adventure Expedition.